Why monkeys (and humans) are wired for fairness – TED talk by Dr. Brosnan
Minute with a Professor – Sarah Brosnan
ScienceLives Interview With Sarah Brosnan
A Theory of Justice in Primates – Dr. Brosnan at the Sackler Colloquia
The Marshmallow Test, and how to give animals their own version: HowStuffWorks.com
The relationship between chimpanzees’ ability to delay gratification and their general intelligence: Science Daily, HowItWorks.com
“From rats to humans, a brain knows when it can’t remember” (July 27, 2017). NPR. Click here for article. To hear the All Things Considered radio commentary on this, click here.
Visual Illusions in Monkeys and Humans:
APA PeePs (Particularly Exciting Experiments in Psychology)
Metacognition and confidence judgments in chimpanzees:
Planning in chimpanzees, monkeys, and children:
Science Daily
Perceptual illusions about food items in Chimpanzees:
Phys.org website
Self-Control in Nonhuman Primates:
APA Science Brief
Metacognition in chimpanzees:
Science Daily
Association for Psychological Science
Animals using computer games as enrichment:
BBC Future
Research about nonhuman primates and humans playing economic games of cooperation:
New Scientist
Research about animals’ math skills:
APA’s Monitor on Psychology
Delay of gratification in chimpanzees:
Scientific American Mind
New Scientist
Wall Street Journal
Chimpanzee Bartering
(research article available here)
Monkey Metacognition:
BBC Earth News
New Scientist